
If you’re wondering where the next chapter is, it’s been in stasis for a few weeks now. Unfortunately I’ve been dealing with a bunch of work stuff and other surprises. I haven’t forgotten about this. I just need to find a good day to write without distractions.


@serphio still waiting for moar


@serphio last update April


@serphio anymore updates?


ngl, I read your story years ago, probably while I was In high school, and It was amazing, I love it so much, I don't know whats happened to you, But I wish you all the best, thank you for one of the most fun and memorable reads of my life.


Hello Serphio.
             You have wrote a good book-- no, it's great actually. Really. But I have something to ask and say. 
             I express great concern on where you've vanished, but if you come back, how's life? I apologise if this was short (it is) but still, hope you come back bud. Hope ya come back.
          -Former Reader, Koko


@Kokomalow  Just in time for Winds of Winter to be released


@serphio Aw, you're welcome! And it's okay! You're busy with something annoying called procrastinating and writer's block. But those 100+ chapters are definitely coming at my 60th birthday with what's happening with your busy life. SURE of it /j


@Kokomalow Hey, thanks for enjoying my little web novel. I’m sorry I haven’t really been updating it or responding to anybody. Just writing a chapter takes several hours for me. And between work and leisure time, I just don’t have the energy to do so nowadays.
            Honestly, I think about this novel a lot. I’ve been dying to write about Strigol and Haven. Hell, Haven would probably be the biggest story arc yet and will most likely be 100+ chapters on its own with Strigol being the prelude to everything going forward. There’s so much I want to keep writing but I can never just sit down and commit to it.
            The next chapter has been ready to be drafted for a long time. I just need the motivation to do it. But thank you. When I started writing this novel back in 2019, out of pure annoyance for wasting my time after reading Death Mage Dies Twice, I didn’t think I’d get a single reader and just really wanted to scream out into the void. Seeing the comments and stuff like this makes me happy that you and others enjoyed it.