
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, so so so sorry about disappearing for so long... stuff was bad... really bad... i'm gonna work on a few of my stories next month, ok? i should be a bit more settled by then, and i really miss writing. i'm so sorry about the frequent hiatuses... ;_; thanks to everyone who stuck around!!!!!


aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, so so so sorry about disappearing for so long... stuff was bad... really bad... i'm gonna work on a few of my stories next month, ok? i should be a bit more settled by then, and i really miss writing. i'm so sorry about the frequent hiatuses... ;_; thanks to everyone who stuck around!!!!!


so, what i'm probably gonna do for my servamp story is delete the last few chapters and write something similar as a separate story. but even that'll take awhile. i'm hoping to be able to continue my original storyline by the end of the month, but no promises. i love you guys! thanks for the continued support!


hey guys. i'll be on another mini hiatus cause my mental health issues are kicking my ass and i don't have the insurance to seek help. i love you guys, and i'm sorry about how often i go on hiatus. you guys deserve better, and i love you. <3


tbh, i wanna write more stuff on here, but i can't really think up anything. i know i either want it to be homestuck, cirque du freak, or about vampires in general. any suggestions, followers? (please don't suggest a homestuck and cirque du freak story, i'm already planning on doing that.)


@LucariosFish i really wanna write something shippy but also kind of adventure like?


until i decide if i *am* shutting down my wattpad account or not, i will not be updating any of my stories. if i decide to stay, i will update them. if i decide not to stay, i will not be updating or finishing them on different websites. i have given a friend permission to update my dirkjohn story, but the other two will not be updated should i leave. i will announce when i have made my decision and what that decision is.


due to unfortunate circumstances, i am considering shutting down my wattpad account. i'd really rather not, but i was harassed earlier today and this has made me feel very unsafe here. if i do close my account, i probably will not make a new one on here. if i switch to ao3, i likely will not copy or finish these stories, no matter how much i love them. i'm sorry. i'll tell you guys if i decide to close my account at a later date. i'm so sorry.


Thanks for the vote! Don't you love their songs?


I'm not sure, but some of the people in FictionJunction are in Kalafina. You can find their songs on YouTube


@Yami_Fumetsu_10 i've never heard of them. what genre is it?


By Kalafina, my favorites are Magia,  Heavenly Blue, Red Moon, and To the Beginning