helloooo kak, i just want to say that your stories ((especially "mr. possessive and ms. rebellious" and "our path")) are rEALLYYY GOOD ㅠㅠ i mean, that's amazed. dari tokoh, plot, alur, konflik, semuanya bikin greget bgtttt. bener2 nge-feel bacanya huhuuuuu. paling wow sama story idea nya sihhh kece bgt!! suka jg sama gmna kmu bikin ending dan mulai sequel, bikin penasaran -ya walaupun aku tau cerita ini telat huhu. but, that's still makes me feel carried away. this stories really deserve a lot of attention <33
thank you for make that stories!! really enjoy it, ditunggu buat update-an nyaaa >< good night, always stay safe and stay healthy ♡