Happy belated New Years to those who celebrate by the Western calendar! And Happy New Years to those who celebrate by the Chinese calendar!
It's been around seven months since my hiatus, but I have not forgotten about the Blossoms of the Dark sequel.
***Initiate drumroll***
Announcing the title of the sequel ...
Blossoms of the Shadows
***Finish drumroll***
That is correct, the name of Book 2 has been decided. If things go as planned, the first set of five chapters will come out next month. I cannot provide any fixed date because there has never been a fixed schedule for my posting. What I can confirm is that I have an outline drafted for the major arcs of the sequel, and that the format of the sequel will be similar to that of the first story: Roman numerals with the character's name from whose POV the chapter will be narrated; first-person present tense verbiage; thoughts and past-tense events in italics; every chapter beginning and ending with a series of one-sentence paragraphs; book quotes; maybe dialogue from the manga; trigger warnings.
I will begin the sequel with a disclaimer, a summary of the events of Blossoms of the Dark, and the first five chapters.
Expect a time skip from the events of Blossoms of the Dark.