Politics are personal. It is for me. I am confronted with it every day. I didn't choose that. It's because I was born a woman, that I have to face it every day. Because misogyny is not dead and that has been proven once again.
I am lucky to have been born in a country where I have rights. Not everyone has that luck. I am privileged. I am privileged enough to be able to speak out on topics like this. Even if I usually do it hidden between lines.
Now more than ever I have a reason to speak bluntly.
It's devastating to see that to this day people's rights are being taken away. Rights that women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community and so many other people have fought so hard for, for years. And it is happening, all over the world.
People wlose their rights, their identity and their lives. Banning abortion will not make them stop existing. It will make them unsafe, it will cost lives. And my heart breaks for the girls and women who suffer the consequences. You have been failed by the very system that should protect you.
I cannot and will not understand why a convicted felon is allowed to get this role. It shows just how far people willingly go to keep a woman out of a position of power. And even if that wasn’t the reason it will certainly send the message to some that a woman can not and should not rule a country.
Don't think that just because you're not from the States that it won't affect you, because it will. Please educate yourself on important issues. We all know this isn't the only one. And if it doesn't affect you, it will affect your friends, your family, your neighbors or the generations after us at the latest. Do it for them.
It's never just been politics, it's about your life and mine.
Please you guys be careful and never stop showing love, we are all human.