
Hey everyone!
          	I will be updating my stories VERY soon now. Thank you for being so patient and I promise that the chapters to come will not be disappointing ;)
          	Rose x


if your going to update so much waiting for it you are great writer love your stories :)


hi, where are you? i hope youre fine, i mean if that happens to me, i will totally, be frustrated, i mean losing the chapters you put effort on are frustrating, and i will be really sad, anyways even if you cant find the chapters now, i hope youre fine and stay safe!! even if you dont update anymore, thanks for doing a story like that, a awesome characters. youre one of those awesome authors!!! i really hope if you still have fun writiiiing, and come back here for your readers but if nooot, thats okay!! anyways thanks for the effort, stay safe again!!