
@BrookeJade i think i shall :P and i might change my dp back.. if i can find the picture and thats doubtfull. but i like the disney princesses pulling hilarious faces. pitty its not bigger though. 
          	oh and I LOVE YOU TOO!!! :D


@sezziemac SARAH!!!! I like your name :) I think your "about me" needs to be changed Sarah, nobody knows whatyou are talking about when you say that you like the lion king because you chaged your dp.  :o Oh and by the way... LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i think you should keep helping me put my hair into plaits because it looks stupid when i do it. :D


SARAH!!! my keyboard is being gay :( it can't keep up with how fast i type so i have to type slowly otherwise it misses out on letters and make's me look like an idiot :( 
          @DC2010 No offence, but it's really rude to advertise on other people's pages, and it's even worse if you don't ask and you just tell them :/