
Newest chapter of Hate To Love you is officially OUT NOW!


          It's Official: "A Man's World" has officially been published on eBook and it's available on Kindle Unlimited! 
          Thank you so much for your patience. I know so many of you are waiting for updates to Hate To Love You, and now that A Man's World is finally edited and published, we are FINALLY getting back to this story.
           What better way to celebrate than with a preview to chapter 6 of Hate To Love You? Just posted the preview on that story's page! 
          Follow me on instagram for more updates on this story and a few F1 short stories I am working on <3 @authorgracenewman


Hi to all my lovely followers!
          I know it has been so long since I have posted and I am so sorry, life has been so hectic these last few months. 
          But, I am happy to say I have 2x new Chapters of Hate To Love You coming out in the next 2 weeks <3 
          In addition to that, A Man's World is officially being published on kindle Unlimited with new characters and teams + a new edit! Really excited to announce that, plus some other fun things. 
          I'll be announcing a few other things on my Instagram, so keep an eye out. Thanks again for all of your endless support and keep an eye out for Lily and Charles' next chapter coming up <3 


The book launched on Octobr 6th! (YAY!) And I am about to post the next Chapter of hate to Love You now that I have a moment to FINALLY get back to writing! <3


Hey! Just curious what happened to this:)


          I know I am probably sounding desperate, but when's the next update???


            Hi!! I know it has been so long, I feel terrible. I think my muse had just left me after Man's World. 
            BUT - the good news is, I truly am back to writing. I have had such a lovely break, and I think I am now ready to carry on with Lily and Charles' story... hope you still enjoy! <3