
Let us end the holiday season with a bang and usher in the new year with beautiful prose, informative articles, good satire and thought provoking poems.
          	Welcome the first of our quarterly journals!
          	The Hideouters : Volume 1. (The Holiday edition)
          	Here's the link. Check it out people 
          	Thank you.
          	Much love


Hey guys, I'm introducing my new book in which story is about a girl, her campanions and the persons she will meet. This story is about her life that how her life will change after her father's death and how she will overcome all the hardships. Let's read it to know more about her. Please read, give votes and reviews and tell me my mistakes so i can learn from it.  



When was the last time you read something truly captivating? Something out of ordinary? A text like nothing else before, taking you on adventure where only good literature can take.  Check Superpower. It's a crazy ride. If you like words you will love it. 


I just read your works! All three of them! And i loved your writing style! The hindi ones were good! I wish u could add more poems there! And the poems in your book, humming soul, were very imaginative. The greatest quality about your works is that they speak directly to the readers, most of the poems were hauntingly relatable and I felt like punching you on the face for writing so painful! Just kidding! It surely took me to my memory lanes! But I guess that's the whole essence of poetry. Transportation to another familiar world. So overall, good job and keep writing! I am sure you ll get success in future! All the best! 


@MisterAugust can't get away with that, I'll have to punch you back. Beware! I punch real hard. Lol :p
            Jokes aside. Thank you so much for your honest views. Means a lot. 
            Wish you success and happiness. Keep writing ❤


          This is Zara. I've recently posted a short story, "Lies spoken for welfare are not lies" which is going to be a relatively short one. I just want you to give a little of your time to reading it and expressing what you think about it by whatever means you find applicable. 
          I thank you in anticipation. Take care.


            Hi Zara  :) 
            Yeah sure, I'll check it out and let you know. :))
            Take care. ❤