We are at the verge of this year. If you see this, I want to say that I am proud of you for making it this far. This year has gone crazy, someone fought silent battles, someone lost a loved one, someone removed toxic people from their life, someone got the courage to let go of a relationship that no longer serve him, someone fell in love, someone found a person— I want to hug you tight and tell you, you did well. Those 'I will survive this day' everyday like 366 days ago is finally going to its end. Thanks for surviving, thanks for staying still, thanks for not harming yourself even you had a suicidal thoughts, thanks for showing your emotions and your feelings, thanks for continuing. Because even at the midst of this global pandemic, you hang on still. We had a hard time adjusting to the new normal but I am happy that we will close this year, stronger. I wish you happiness and good health for next year. Let's shout at the top of our lungs that WE MADE IT.
Know that I am grateful that you are a part of my 2020, you made me sane. Keep safe and have a Happy New year!!