
After I wrote again the spryzen book at my another account I will delete my book and log out


Hai guys I know this is weird but I change my account,I got my new phone and I don't know how to transfer my account I also think that I should do again the spryzen book, this is my old phone by the way 
          My new username by the way


I also tried the bloody Mary challenge on 12 midnight 
          I put some candles on the toilet bowl and off all the light, I said bloody Mary 3x. Nothing happen first after a few minutes or seconds the candles turn off and the room getting chilly (even tho the toilet window is perfectly shut, then I heard some noise outside my room, I couldn't continue the game because my cousin stole my phone,  
          I am in the hall sleeping and it 12:36am, I am sleeping with the dogs while my cousin sleep In my room, now it morning and my cousin said he can't sleep because the toilet is making so much noise
          There a demon In my house now


I played the elevator game at my apartment
          And I pretty sure I pass
          This is how it goes
          I press all the button correctly then I press 5 and I heard a women voice,I almost freak out but I tried really hard to ignore it when the lift close I press 1
          THE FREEKING LIFT STARTED TO GO UP UNTIL TO 10,I was like I am going to the another world,I am going to the another world.there are two types of world I will be heading to one is a peaceful world and another one is a demon world, I am not sure if the women still there but the lift is getting colder when it stop to until to 10 it open, the surrounding it's like my apartment but dark. I decided to walk outside but want so I stay inside but the only thing bother me that unknown women or man but I am pretty sure it a women by it voice,she always said where are you going,don't go,look at me,but I ignore it,but what even more creepier is that there a red cross straight me, it was far I I could see it clearly,with my speck. When I decided to close the lift I press one but the lift won't work, I kept on pressing until it finally reach to one.when the lift open I check my surrounding,and I am 99% sure it my apartment so I ran outside the lift.then I turn back when the lift almost close I could see the women but I see a black figures,I quickly look at the head,IT HAS FREEKING RED EYES LOOKING AT ME but before I could speak the lift shut.
          I quickly ran up to my friends using the stairs up to 11 floor, I told my friend everything and she's like happy "really  cool,let do that again!" She said and I was like WTF I wrong with you,I have seen the creepy figures in my life and you wanted me to do the challenge again.i decile it and use the stairs again to go to my house 4 floor,my mom just cooking at the kitchen 
          I did not tell my mom about the game. You see my family's was like pure Christian but expect me. If I tell my parents about it they would take me to church and lecture me 12 hours with the pastors, so yup that all


Yes I got some new friends but they are boys
          Yes I usually hang out with boys
          Not girls 
          But the boys were crazy
          But they love soccer like me but I must be the striker that mean more ball shoot right troo my face
          I tried to make some girl friend but they all crazy make up and a too girly but I ditch them doesn't mean I still hate them but we are still friends 
          I still hang out with boys but the only thing is I am the only girl so ya so I behave like a boy like bet them play soccer and fight but it is fun to hang out with boys especially fighting with them
          The last time we fought is yesterday
          Some random guys not from our group came and bully my friend so my teem came and fight we our enemies gang and our teen won,the only weird is I am the only girl in the fighting group but I still fight with them
          And this is how I behave


          Just wanted to know 
          If I bought a new phone will my wattpad account transfer to my new phone or it will stay at my old phone 
          Cuz I am changing phone (my phone got problem) so I am scared that if I change my phone and download wattpad from my new phone will my book (the spryzen blader) will transfer to my new phone or will stuck at my old phone
          I don't know how to explain but those who know what I am talking about plz do tell me how to deal with this  


Worst day of my life ( I will tell you how my life is)
          1) I get scolding by my teacher 
          2) I lost my reality friends over some girl who is a popular and a brat
          3)my sleeping disorder getting more worst
          4) I got scolding by my friend( I don't know what the reason but I act like I know -_-)
          5) my parents scold me for not being girly and hate dress
          6) my brother chock me twice this month and today 
          * Wow don't know the world can be this crule 


@shadow_hunter329 If today was the worst day of your life, tomorrow can only get better.


@Bimsha well I least I am not the only one 


How do you guys make a cover book. I  have no idea what app to use
          What the simple cover editor app that I can use? 
          Please help


@shadow_hunter329 do you still need help if so I can recommend picsart