
I am afraid that I will be deleting Sharp Claws and Sharp words. I just don't have time anymore for it and I have a severe case of writers block on it. But if we are lucky, I may rewrite it.  Sorry about that. 
          	Stay awesome.


I might not be updating Sharp Claws And Sharp Words for a while due to me being a freshman in high school. And everyone knows that the freshmen will always get the grunt work. So yayyyy. I cannot believe I have been writing this for two years. but when I get time, I promise that I will work on it. Thank you dear readers!!!


Whoooo! Wish me luck on the Cultivating Creativity Contest that Chipotle has posted on Wattpad! Winners will receive $2K in college scholarships and their essay will be on their cups and bags! So excited for the results! The contest will end on May 31 and I encourage you to go and enter! If you are interested, I would suggest that you click this link here:


Ok, I totally forgot all about Sharp Claws and Sharp Words when I was working on my new book Symphony: The Last Sister. It's a Doctor Who Fanfiction. I AM SO SORRY! I will try to work on SC&SW to the best of my ability.
          Just saying, Simply stating,
          Happy Late Easter :)