@user919688505567 I'll do weekly updates of Hers for now. I'm working on rewriting and editing Fightclub so it can be published. And now, with work and university, I don't have time to work on another book.
Heyy wondering if you could possibly share a full pdf version of fight club and recollection for us kindle users to carry around as this was so damn good its stuck in my head ALL THE TIME and I wish I could have it with me on the kindle. If its possible please share it as I would literally sell my soul to have it with me everywhere. Side note - we all encourage you completely to officially publish them!
@shadowbookshelf I did read I stopped recollections because I was waiting for you to finish it then lost my account so I made a new one... But loved fightclub and recollections
I can't wait!! I remembered when you just finished fight club and moved onto recollection. I had to stop reading and wait till u finished recollection so i could read it all at once!! I Can't Wait to Read Now!!