
Chapter 3 is finally up! It was meant to go up sooner, but I was having blocks for the chapter. I am still not totally satisfied with it and plan to rewrite the ending soon, but for now it is fine as it is! :)


Woot! Thanks for adding 'Justice Eternal' to your reading list <3 If you liked any of the excerpts I've posted so far, I'd love a vote and a comment saying what exactly got you hooked. No pressure! First three chapters going up soooon!


@Megan-Hayley I'll make sure to comment on "Justice Eternal" when you get chapters posted! ^_^ I'm mostly a silent reader unless I'm reading a story from someone I know, or I just really, really enjoyed the story. x3 
            PS. :O I am a huge Paranormal fan. I am really interested in ghosties and things that go bump in the night that could be true. I'm also really interested in Criminology and tend to watch a lot of those shows. XD If you're into creepy things/magical things, Ancient Magus Bride might be a good Anime for you to watch! It's super awesome and the plot is amazing.


PS. Checking out your profile, I think we may just be kindred spirits! I like almost everything that you've listed, except I haven't seen those ghost shows or the anime. But since your taste is pretty much spot on, I bet that I'd love them too!!
            I look forward to chatting more in the forums.
            Don't be a stranger! 


Hey there,
          Thanks for adding The Last Princess to your reading list. Hope you enjoy it!
          PS: I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine too! Jake Peralta ♥


@midnightcupofnoodles Tbh I think Rosa is just a shippable character. She has this coldness to her but a playful side as well. I want Jake and Boyle's relationship as well! It's ah-maze-zing! xD


I ship Roza and Gina lol They'd make a scary couple!
            And Jake and Boyle's friendship! I want something like that too :p


@midnightcupofnoodles You're very welcome. And YES! Jake Peralta FTW. I would so befriend him; he's my kind of people. I kind of ship him with Rosa more than I ship him with Amy, tbh.