
hello ! here are a few account updates.
          	- the 3 stories i currently have published ( crazy, blu, and wonderland ) will be finished and undergo heavy editing in due time. crazy will most likely be finished first; it has the least amount of chapters left and i've completed the storyline plan. then probably blu.
          	- i currently have 5 unpublished stories with a few chapters pre-written. once i finish the three current stories i have going, i will publish my next one which will most likely be a poe dameron fic; so be on the lookout for that.
          	- with all this free time we have i truly appreciate all of you who read my stories. :)
          	- if you have any ajr one shot requests, please please please submit them !  i need a reason to write some and ignore my other stories for a day :)
          	                      thank you all so much !
          	                                xo, aidan


hello ! here are a few account updates.
          - the 3 stories i currently have published ( crazy, blu, and wonderland ) will be finished and undergo heavy editing in due time. crazy will most likely be finished first; it has the least amount of chapters left and i've completed the storyline plan. then probably blu.
          - i currently have 5 unpublished stories with a few chapters pre-written. once i finish the three current stories i have going, i will publish my next one which will most likely be a poe dameron fic; so be on the lookout for that.
          - with all this free time we have i truly appreciate all of you who read my stories. :)
          - if you have any ajr one shot requests, please please please submit them !  i need a reason to write some and ignore my other stories for a day :)
                                thank you all so much !
                                          xo, aidan


hi all ! i am currently just doing some basic editing and formatting things with all my books currently, as well as storyboarding and planning ; general housekeeping things. with all this time i have on my hands i might as well do them now ( as they irritate me to do usually :). ) actual chapters will come in due time. thanks for still supporting me :)
                     - xo, aidan


oops an extra 'currently' in that first line pls ignore:)


hello! i just wanted to say i promise i'm still active i'm just at an exposition point for most of my books. i like writing exciting plots ,, so its hard to find inspiration while developing these characters. updates coming soon. :)
          xo, a