
Hey guys. I hope you all are staying healthy. I would just like to put out a reminder, this is not a joke. Please take it seriously, even if it isn’t affecting you first hand, we all have to help each other get through this. If anyone needs to talk about anything don’t be scared to message me, or talk to someone. 


Hey guys. I hope you all are staying healthy. I would just like to put out a reminder, this is not a joke. Please take it seriously, even if it isn’t affecting you first hand, we all have to help each other get through this. If anyone needs to talk about anything don’t be scared to message me, or talk to someone. 


hello, as most of you may know my name is maddy!! i was trying to get some input on what my followers would like to read so... i give you a choice. please tell me what you would like me two start working on more. 
          1) The Uniquely Beautiful Story of Us: This story is about a girl named Emily Harrison, who seems like she is living in everyone’s shadow. She keeps falling for guys who just break her even more...until she meets Luke. 
          2) Devils Don’t Fly: Ivy is a angel. Axel is a devil. Bad mix right? That’s what everyone thought. Until one day. 
          3) The Cold Princess: All her life Arabella has wanted to be Queen. And a powerful one none the less. Her father always was supportive of her dreams. When her father and mother die unexpectedly her wish comes true. The only thing in her way are the townspeople and her sister. 
          also i will be posting one called ‘Screams’ so the first chapter should be coming out soon 


@shadowhunter0419 Devils don’t fly and the uniquely beautiful story of us but they all sound super interesting and excitinggg❤️