
I know that people might not read this. But I always feel like I don't have enough power to make a difference in the world. I think there are so many problems that I have opinions on and I want to voice them, however I cannot continue to voice the issue because I don't have any influence, I am just a speck on a map of billions of people. I have no power. But I want to change things and make things better than what they are. So what do I do then? I have a voice but it might not be heard
          	Well that was just a thought. I know people might not read... But oh well at least I do have a voice.


@shadowhunterheart yeah! And never give up hope =)


@UnknownWriter1308 that is very true, so I guess all we have to do is try 


@shadowhunterheart but if u speak up, some people will listen and together u can be heard


I know that people might not read this. But I always feel like I don't have enough power to make a difference in the world. I think there are so many problems that I have opinions on and I want to voice them, however I cannot continue to voice the issue because I don't have any influence, I am just a speck on a map of billions of people. I have no power. But I want to change things and make things better than what they are. So what do I do then? I have a voice but it might not be heard
          Well that was just a thought. I know people might not read... But oh well at least I do have a voice.


@shadowhunterheart yeah! And never give up hope =)


@UnknownWriter1308 that is very true, so I guess all we have to do is try 


@shadowhunterheart but if u speak up, some people will listen and together u can be heard


I wish...
          - I could scroll through YouTube and see no videos about body image or how to lose weight
          - I could look at an item of clothing that I love and believe I can pull it off
          - I could stop telling myself that it won't suit me because of my shoulders, my stomach, my back, my legs
          - I didn't feel guilty with every meal I ate
          - That people understood that beauty isn't defined by how skinny you are or that you are the "ideal weight"
          - people didn't judge my athletic ability because of my weight or what they judge as "fat"
          - I could feel comfortable in anything I wear and not feel afraid that it isn't "fashionable" it it doesn't suit YOUR standards.
          - That femininity wasn't judge on whether I like or wear makeup... There is nothing wrong with not wearing it.
          - That I didn't have to feel pressured to fit the "beauty" standards of today that are shoved in our faces.
          - That I had room to feel beautiful, to feel pretty instead of struggling with my insecurities.
          - That no one had to live up to any standards of beauty because I know we are all beautiful.
          - That no one had to feel pressured to live up to the "gender roles" and even if you do fit the gender role... That doesn't matter because that also isn't wrong. We are us. We can be who we want to be. 
          I wish for all these things... Yet they will not cease. Therefore... I want to say my vision of beauty. Everyone is beautiful both inside and out. Each flaw is an addition to that unique beauty that only you can possess. We are all different! And that is what makes us beautiful. So ignore all those who try and chip away at that individuality, who push you to be who you do not want to be, who think that they can change you through harsh comments and multiple hits. 
          You are you and that is beautiful.
          I never knew what to do with this when I wrote it but I want to post it so I did! I just think that it should be said I guess...


@UnknownWriter1308 awe well thank you, that really means a lot to me. I am glad you like it! :)


@shadowhunterheart wow. That was so inspirational. I love ur writing style too =)