
Heyo guys! So have to tell you that I have gotten rid of Power Puff Super Adventure and had put it in my other account. If you want to keep reading go to Blue Star Anime Girl 101. I am so sorry again. I hope you are having a good day and sorry again


Heyo guys! So have to tell you that I have gotten rid of Power Puff Super Adventure and had put it in my other account. If you want to keep reading go to Blue Star Anime Girl 101. I am so sorry again. I hope you are having a good day and sorry again


I am so sorry my followers but I will not be using this account anymore. The reason is I can't log back into it on the computer. I am so sorry Power Puff Girls Super Adventure and all my other stories will be moved to another account. For now just unfollow. I am so sorry for the long wait. Thank You for your support