
To anyone still reading, thank you, and sorry for the wait but the next chapter will be published on Sunday. 


I just read TWATL and OMG you’re writing is the most beautiful thing I have read in so so very long! Please never stop writing, you have such a talent and gift! Can’t wait to read more TWATL! Xxxx ❤️❤️❤️


Heyyyy it's me again, I know how annoying I am but your story is probably one of my favourites babybatcat related, so I was wondering if you are still going to finish up since school is ending and summer is starting or if you have lost motivation to continue that wnderful story. I hope you had a good day :3


There is a story by Rewind_101 that is called gone like smoke and it is literally just the same as your story the wendigo and the lion heart, just wanted to let you know. Like seriously some of the paragraphs are exactly the same as yours.


@LivexLifexLove02 Thank you so much for the heads up. I agree that some of the chapters, scenes, and lines in "Gone Like Smoke" are similar to TWATL, but unfortunately there isn't much I can do about it. I understand that unlike TWATL, GLS is a fairly popular fic and so long as people don't accuse me of trying to plagiarize or copy GLS - which publishing dates on multiple sites can easily prove that I haven't - I'll have to be content to have the stories published side by side. Again, thank you so much for giving me a heads up. Someone had contacted me before about GSL, and while disheartening enough to put me off writing for a little while, I decided there isn't much I can do but continue to plod along with my story and hopefully create something that is satisfying to both me and the reader. Thank you for keeping an eye out, it really means a lot. :D


Have you seen Gotham this past week? Bruce and Selina interaction? What did you think? I still have soooo much hope this season for our baby batcat and from what we see on social media it was the first interaction of many. Anyway I just wanted to know your thoughts :)


I'm LOVING IT. last episode was probably one of the best episodes this entire season, in terms of everything, I can't not wait for next and the next after that I just don't want Gotham to end, I just hope we get picked up for another season.
            And yes I'm enjoying the B_half far more that the A_half not that the A_half was bad because it wasn't but I'm just glad that everything is somehow falling in place.
            By the way I can't wait for your next update, your tease of Alfred walking on Bruce and Selina's make out session was great, but I'm soooooo anxious to find out what will happen next. :) <3 As Always love your work.


@4everanimelover I’m so sorry for the late reply, between school and work I’ve just been super busy. Also, this ended up in my spam folder for some reason. Anyway, I’m enjoying the B-half of the season a ton more than the A-half.  I’m so happy we’re finally starting to get some Batcat interaction and judging by the promos it looks like some pretty significant scenes up ahead (or at the very least they’re interacting and at this point I’ll take it and be happy). Along with the  batcat reunion, I really hope to see some character growth for both of them but especially with Selina. I feel like her character has taken a back seat and stalled within the Siren storyline. I know Bicondova said that the audience is likely to be frustrated while Selina begins exploring her morally grey area so I have high hopes for that story line. I’m also so happy to say goodbye to Bratman! Even outside batcat, I just didn’t care much for that storyline. 
            How’re you liking the B-half so far?


I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to anyone and everyone who has read, reviewed, commented or voted on The Wendigo and The Lionheart!  It means so much and I am very grateful. 
          I hope everyone is having/has had a safe and wonderful holiday season.  


I've been checking every day to see if you have updated. hahhahhahhah
          I'm obesessed with your story “The Wendigo and the Lionheart”.


Yaaay. Can't wait already know it's going to be amazing. <3


I’m so happy to read that!  I am about 3/4 finished with the next chapter so I really hope to have it up soon. Again, thank you. 


If you’re not following my story “The Wendigo and the Lionheart” I’m sorry for the spam in your inbox. 
          If you do happen to be reading/following it, I’m so sorry for not having updated in forever. I’m almost finished with the latest chapter and was just wondering if anyone would still be interested in reading it. 
          Thanks for reading this far. 


@4everanimelover Thank you, that means so much. I hope you enjoy the new chapter as well. 


@shadychef Yes. It's an amazing story one of my favourites from this ship that revolves on the Gotham world. I'm just very happy that you haven't given up on that story :) take your time.


@KenniaRegina Thank you so much. I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed it so far. I’m hoping to hear back from my beta soon and get it updated. :) 