          	Based on true story, ini awal kisah aku sm doi. dibaca ya temen-temen. Aku slow update karna masih sibuk sm tugas akhir kuliah & buat persiapan UAS. Tapi kalo urusanku udah selesai semua, aku bakal update setiap hari. JANGAN LUPA VOTE dan KOMENNYA YAA! ONE VOTE THATS SO MEANS WORLD TO ME✨ thank you, and happy reading!


Hallo aku buat cerita baru lagi nih, mohon maaf yaa cerita2 yang sebelumnya gak aku lanjutin, aku lupa sm alurnya  tapi cerita yg baru ini inshaAllah bakal aku kelarin sampe tuntas. Ini cerita nyataku. Maaf juga kalo alur+bahasanya bikin bingung. Soalnya aku juga bingung nyusun kata-katanya gimana. Maklum masih penulis amatiran hehehe. Yuk baca ceritanya "PAYUNG MURAHAN" dan klik linknya . Jangan lupa vote dan komen yaa! Terimakasih 


oh i almost forget. I've wrote the next chapter for your secret admirer a long time ago. but it directly dissapear. idk why:( thats made my broken mood to continue it again. but no worries! after the exams done, i'm gonna write it anymore for u'all. so keep stay hereee!!!
          piece of cake!
          Shafira A- aka Bad Authors


for u guys. i'm so sorry to not updating the new chapter cos i have final exams for a week. but if it finished i'll continue my story book "your secret admirer" so please forgive me. and oh!! don't forget to vomments in every chapter. thats so mean world to me. for u guys dont be silent reader. still stay tuned on my story!!
          piece of cake. ✌
          Shafira A-