
Hello dear readers, 
          	I want to let you know that I've been working on Dark Star in the last few months and I'm very close to finishing it. 
          	***HOWEVER, I'm not posting it until I've completely finished the story. ***
          	It will probably take another few months before I'm ready to post because I am only able to dedicate one hour a week to my creative writing. I'm currently in school full time to become a teacher, which includes a practicum, AND I'm working... so it's a very FULL load. 
          	However, I've learned the hard way that my life is not balanced or healthy when I'm not writing creatively, so I want you to know that Dark Star and my Dreaming series is the #1 priority in my personal creative writing life.


@shalonsims I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!  Cheers, JC


          	  hey John! 
          	  Yeah, I can see it making a lot of sense to wait until finishing before you post. I know a lot of authors do it that way. For me, with all the time travel narratives in the series it was so convoluted and overwhelming. I couldn't hold it in my brain. Having the readers there with me along the way made it possible to get where I did. Now I just need to finish the dang thing!


I always finish writing a story before posting. That way if I decide to change a character I don’t have to repost from somewhere near the begin. 


Hello dear readers, 
          I want to let you know that I've been working on Dark Star in the last few months and I'm very close to finishing it. 
          ***HOWEVER, I'm not posting it until I've completely finished the story. ***
          It will probably take another few months before I'm ready to post because I am only able to dedicate one hour a week to my creative writing. I'm currently in school full time to become a teacher, which includes a practicum, AND I'm working... so it's a very FULL load. 
          However, I've learned the hard way that my life is not balanced or healthy when I'm not writing creatively, so I want you to know that Dark Star and my Dreaming series is the #1 priority in my personal creative writing life.


@shalonsims I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!  Cheers, JC


            hey John! 
            Yeah, I can see it making a lot of sense to wait until finishing before you post. I know a lot of authors do it that way. For me, with all the time travel narratives in the series it was so convoluted and overwhelming. I couldn't hold it in my brain. Having the readers there with me along the way made it possible to get where I did. Now I just need to finish the dang thing!


I always finish writing a story before posting. That way if I decide to change a character I don’t have to repost from somewhere near the begin. 


Hello everyone, 
          I've decided to remove some of my works off Wattpad as a (hopefully) temporary measure until we know more about what's going on. This includes the first books in The Dreaming series and my older short stories. 
          What with the privacy breach, and now the community kerfuffle, and then all the spam emails I've been receiving, I have lost some of my confidence in Wattpad. I'm not gone though, just waiting until we see what happens. 
          I am HAPPY to say that I have left up the last two books in the Dreaming series for readers (aka @CaitlinTureaud and @NcedoKhave and many silent readers) who are working their way through those books right now. 
          Also, I'm happy to report that I've been working on the last instalments of Dark Star and have made some good progress. I hope to publish those sometime in the next few months. 
          Thank you to everyone who cares about me and my writing. I appreciate all the love and support I've received here over the years. 
          I really wish everyone a safe and happy Friday.


@MohammedHasan Hey Mohammed! So nice to hear from you. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. It has been a LONG time since I posted anything for Dark Star, but I have been working on it behind the scenes. 
            Wattpad has changed a lot and not all of those changes are great, but there are still some awesome features--free books being one of them--and I will be on this platform for the foreseeable future. Just trying to figure out how to navigate my own writing career and how Wattpad fits into it. 
            I hope you are well. You WILL see the end of Dark Star, so thank you for your patience. <3 <3


@shalonsims I hope that you are doing well during these trying times. It has been a long time since you last posted on Wattpad (or at least a long time since Wattpad sent a notification my way for one of your posts). So much has changed in Wattpad since then, it is hardly recognizable as the nifty little app that we loved to spend time in; I wish I could say that these changes had been for the better....
            I hope you will soon complete dark star in Wattpad... I really only stick around in Wattpad  on the hope that I get to read the conclusion to your dreaming saga.


@shalonsims Wattpad is pretty good at self-sabotage too lol.


I felt like writing about these strange times we're living in and posted a new story called The Days the Earth Stood Still. 
          I have no idea where the piece is going or if it will go anywhere. Kind of like our lives right now---it is what it is. We're powerless over this situation but we can find power through story, through exploration, and through surrender to what is.
          I hope wherever you are that you're safe and experience joy in simple things in your life. Maybe this piece will give you some joy. That's my hope.


@shalonsims I use my laptop.


            Ugh. Sorry to hear about that. Dang! That sucks, Ann. I'm sorry. :( 
            What kind of device are you using?


Yes, I am also on discord. I log on occasionally, but because of my glaucoma, I don't post much. The learning curve is sharper for me.  The old community pages allowed me to increase font size without any usability issues. But on discord, if I increase font size some of the functionality buttons disappear. 
            But I have logged on a few times...


Out of curiosity I looked at dates completed on my fav books. Hav I really been following u three years. 


No, I don't think I can see that anywhere! That is super cool! Three Years! Wow! 


Can u see that from ur profile.


Hi friends, 
          I'm looking for five beta-readers for the second draft of Awaken, the first book in The Dreaming Series. 
          If you want to know what a beta-reader is, or how it works, please let me know and I'll explain. 
          Awaken has had a MAJOR rewrite, which means it's not the same book you read on Wattpad. The same characters and many of the same scenes, but 50% of the book is new writing. 
          Please let me know if you are interested. 


@shalonsims I'll give it a try, honestly been using my phone for everything since m power supply went out on the computer, so I generally figure a way to make things work.. so just let me know where to go (lol), what to do, and what you need.


@Michael1969 thank you so much for offering. I think it will be a big pain in the butt for you without internet, but if you think you want to try, let me know. I'm going to start it up next week. 


@shalonsims ok, well if you find out different, and need the help, I'm available, take care.


Hey readers and friends, 
          I just posted the latest instalment of Dark Star. Liran and Imorah have made it to the Underground Highway, at last! 
          Thanks for your patience in receiving this instalment. I took a break from Dark Star to work on my submission for PitchWars, a writing contest. I submitted the second draft of Awaken, which saw some very major revisions. 
          I haven't heard anything yet from PitchWars, but I'm excited about the shape that the original Dreaming story is taking. It's still the same story, but a whole new beginning, middle and end! haha!
          I hope everyone in the northern hemisphere is braving the fall weather. Myself, I'm prone to the blues this time of year, so hopefully posting Dark Star again will pick up my spirits. 
          I hope to post regularly again now until the end of the book. We'll see how it goes. 
          Big hugs!


I’m sorry ur blue. I hate being sad. Bright side u get to hear from all ur fans again. I’ve been patiently waiting which is super hard for me I’ve missed your book and I’m super glad to hear you’re going to start back up. Do we get to read the revised version? Oh please oh pretty please with a cherry on top ha ha
            Yes I usually love everything I read but very few authors have me interested in waiting at and pacing for the next chapter in the books and post as much as you do


Hi Shalon.. I read the Escape from Weywey and it made me a little bit sad that it's all coming to an end.. I love, love, love your stories! Can't wait to buy the books! You keep going chika.. Please keep us updated if ever you decide to put any new stories on WattPad. Thank you. 


            Katrina! You melt my heart--so sweet. It's messages like this that really help me sort my butt down and keep writing when I'm tired and my life seems too full. 
            Thank you!! 


@shadowshooter Thank you for your dedication, I wish you all the best when your books are published! I told a couple of my friends and they too are eagerly waiting to read any of your books that you decide to publish (fingers crossed). We love you Shalon, and we love your stories too!


            So sweet of you, Katrina! Your message made me emotional. I really appreciate your support.... Thanks for sticking with me on the journey.