
Hello! Thank you for the follows! It means a lot to have people who are interested in my works!  Thank you for your support! Feel free time talk to me anytime, with questions or comments, and I will reply ASAP! Love y’all!❤️❤️❤️
          	       If you would like me to review any of your stories, please make sure there are no adult scenes or curse words.  Thank you! 


Hello! Thank you for the follows! It means a lot to have people who are interested in my works!  Thank you for your support! Feel free time talk to me anytime, with questions or comments, and I will reply ASAP! Love y’all!❤️❤️❤️
                 If you would like me to review any of your stories, please make sure there are no adult scenes or curse words.  Thank you! 


Hello fellow humans! Be sure to check out Chelsey Bonnell’s books, and give her a follow! She has been giving my book a read and is willing to read over any of yours if you need another eye ! If you help her reach 100 followers, she might just pick you! Thank you all!❤️


One of my best friends lost her dad a few days ago and it has been really hard.  He was like a second father to me, laughing about Donald Trump look- alikes, stories of splashed malt milkshakes, and giving me the knowledge that he was so thankful that we are friends.  He always made sure to give me a hug and tell me he loved me when I was spending time at their house.  I am so thankful for the time I had with him.  I am so glad I was there when my bosom sister needed me most.  I hope she knows how much I love her and will still be here with open arms and a ready embrace.  She is like a sister to me, a kindred spirit, and more.  Without her, I would be lost.  I love you, bosom sister!