
*yanks steering yoke to the side to dodge a swarm of buzz droids* Oh, I have a bad feeling about this...
          	Due to an administrative error that I can't fix lest I potentially fall behind in school, I'm taking SIX classes this semester at a university where five is considered a full course load. I have enough Forces of Retrograde chapters prewritten to get through the semester without running out even if I don't have any time to write (one of my conditions for myself was to have a BIIIIG bank of chapters ready before I posted the teaser) but, alas, it's not the same story for SOTE. As such, my updates may slow down in a few weeks or even taper off completely.
          	I'm hoping that won't happen, but I'll ask that you guys be patient with me either way. *sighs* This is where the fun begins...
          	Until the next update, may the Force be with you all!


@shanSWfan Take you time ! We'll be waiting ! Bonne chance ! 


I haven't been on Wattpad for years now, but today, out of nowhere, I've remembered your stories and how much I enjoyed reading them! 
          If you ever see this message, I hope you're doing well! ❤️
          ~Werejaguar24 (damn, it's been so long since I've used that as my signature....)


Thanks for adding Enheduanna: The First Author to your reading list. I really appreciate it and hope you'll like my work. Comments and feedback are always more than welcome. Thanks again, and I hope you have a lovely day. ❤️


*yanks steering yoke to the side to dodge a swarm of buzz droids* Oh, I have a bad feeling about this...
          Due to an administrative error that I can't fix lest I potentially fall behind in school, I'm taking SIX classes this semester at a university where five is considered a full course load. I have enough Forces of Retrograde chapters prewritten to get through the semester without running out even if I don't have any time to write (one of my conditions for myself was to have a BIIIIG bank of chapters ready before I posted the teaser) but, alas, it's not the same story for SOTE. As such, my updates may slow down in a few weeks or even taper off completely.
          I'm hoping that won't happen, but I'll ask that you guys be patient with me either way. *sighs* This is where the fun begins...
          Until the next update, may the Force be with you all!


@shanSWfan Take you time ! We'll be waiting ! Bonne chance ! 


*claws my way into view just before the blast doors close on devastation and flaming rubble*
          *salutes weakly* Generals... Comms are down, and I received word you needed a status report, so I came in person. The way things are looking, there's good news and news of a questionable nature. 
          The good news is that I've been writing a ton, and I'm lucky enough to be in a new university program with no course material I actively dislike -- only things I don't understand how to do yet. I went on a trip to visit @Clarity-Art on the west coast, I feel more creative now than I've been in months, and my brain is going a mile a minute. But I'll be frank... 
          I am now extraordinarily busy, and if I'm not instantly inspired by extracurricular projects, I turn to other projects where it IS flowing well. Call it an anti-time-wasting mechanism when I don't have much time to myself or call it being flaky, Generals, but right now, SOTE isn't flowing, so I've been letting it sit until it comes back to me.
          However, I have been INSANELY inspired by a new project, a sequel trilogy rewrite fanfic starring Leia, Rey, Poe, Ahsoka, and Lux called Forces of Retrograde. For context, I wrote the first 9K words of it in 48 hours. I was wondering if anyone here would want to read it, once I get around to posting it. I can also post a few sneak peeks, if people are interested.
          *looks back at the blast doors as several crashes sound and an explosion makes the doors creak* Well, that's probably my 3D modeling project. Still need to figure out how to get the lighting right before I submit it...
          *salutes and opens the blast doors* I'll keep you posted on my progress, Generals!


@shanSWfan I would be my honour to read those 9,000 words of tactical genius, Soldier. Will be waiting for your next status update with great interest. Que la force soit avec vous !


@shanSWfan I’d love to read that book


*docks Y-wing with the Venator-class cruiser and runs up to the waiting command staff, saluting sharply*
          Sirs, my scouting mission was a success, but the news isn't good. The Confederacy of Mundane Reality just won back a whole swath of territory, and our SOTE reinforcements can't get through the blockade. Two birthday celebrations in the next five Standard days, plus shopping for two more in the next month and video calls to coordinate an upcoming trip... it would be daunting even for a chapter with half the word count -- and this one is a long one.
          The boys of the 501st are in the area and lending a hand, and they'll clear a path to get it safely through, but it'll take a few days. The reinforcements should be here early next week, or a touch earlier, if our luck holds.
          *jumps back in the ship to relay the info to the other cruisers*


          I can’t say everything about it now, but stars above, I’ve written 9000 words in less than 48 hours.
          Needless to say, I have a new passion project, and I’m super excited about it. It’s called Forces of Retrograde, and I’m not exactly sure when it’ll be up here on Wattpad (probably sometime in the fall) but I’ve already got a cover designed and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you guys!
          In the meantime, the next SOTE chapter is coming this Wednesday ;)
          May the Force be with you,


9000??? Teach me your ways!!! So happy to hear it :) 


@shanSWfan Right on! Keep up the good work!!


@ shanSWfan  Good for you ! We get those moments sometimes (though a bit rarere now for me) and their amazing. Exited about the new project and waiting patiently for the reveal (And obviously the next chapter of SOTE) ! Bonne été Sharon ! 