
Hey everybody!!
          	Today, I need to talk about something extremely important!!
          	So, there had been an arrest made by the extremely, idiotic kind of government, 'THE MAHARASHTRA GOVERNMENT'
          	They had arrested a general being for three days straight, without his family being informed, for speaking up against the government, for checking on the government, and for raising a voice against the various institutional norms, that if NOT changed will cause the disintegration of our country!!
          	Over these years, I have never felt this way
          	But, today I feel extremely ASHAMED of my country!!
          	A country where a risen voice goes behind the bars or gets their house demolished or is forced to keep shut!!
          	Honestly, I did NOT aspire to live in such a country!!
          	Well, it feels like 'DICTATORSHIP' ended years back, but we are STILL being ruled!!
          	It feels as if, we won over the British rule, years back, but we are still under people, who rule us day and night and we unknowingly follow everything and in this crisis, if somebody gathers the courage to speak up against them, this is what they end up like, behind the BARS!!
          	I DO NOT FEAR to call out on this people
          	So, a splendid shoutout to SHIV SENA, UDHAV THACKREY, BABY PENGUIN aka ADITYA THACKREY, and MUMBAI POLICE. 
          	Let the world know, your doings and let them decide!!
          	Now, to all those reading this message, please, please please do an effort of putting up a hashtag #RELEASESAAHILCHOUDHARY on all of your social media platforms and PLEASE if possible TAG ME!!
          	It could be any, here on WATTPAD, on the message board or on INSTAGRAM story, or SNAPCHAT story!!
          	It is a humble request, it doesn't really matter if you do it or you don't, but I would originally just grow much more respect for YOU!!


@RaashiSaxena2 I know, this is why I posted against them, I have the courage.
          	  they have no right to scare me and I will NOT be scared in my own country, so hold on buddy, we are all in it together!!


@shanaayakhare They are arresting and beating people if you post against them as well..


@karriBhavyashivani thanks di, can you repost this on your peofile and then tag me?


Hey just wanted you to know you’re amazing!
          And don’t let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can. I’m always there with you in spirit!
          Don’t give up and keep shining on!!




            I wish I could meet you di, you have brought so much hope and love in my life, thank you for always staying by me!!
            I literally have no words, you seem of a real sister, and maybe we could meet each other sometime in life, and if ever we cross paths in life, I would hold you tightly and close, and never let you go!!


Hey everybody!!
          Today, I need to talk about something extremely important!!
          So, there had been an arrest made by the extremely, idiotic kind of government, 'THE MAHARASHTRA GOVERNMENT'
          They had arrested a general being for three days straight, without his family being informed, for speaking up against the government, for checking on the government, and for raising a voice against the various institutional norms, that if NOT changed will cause the disintegration of our country!!
          Over these years, I have never felt this way
          But, today I feel extremely ASHAMED of my country!!
          A country where a risen voice goes behind the bars or gets their house demolished or is forced to keep shut!!
          Honestly, I did NOT aspire to live in such a country!!
          Well, it feels like 'DICTATORSHIP' ended years back, but we are STILL being ruled!!
          It feels as if, we won over the British rule, years back, but we are still under people, who rule us day and night and we unknowingly follow everything and in this crisis, if somebody gathers the courage to speak up against them, this is what they end up like, behind the BARS!!
          I DO NOT FEAR to call out on this people
          Let the world know, your doings and let them decide!!
          Now, to all those reading this message, please, please please do an effort of putting up a hashtag #RELEASESAAHILCHOUDHARY on all of your social media platforms and PLEASE if possible TAG ME!!
          It could be any, here on WATTPAD, on the message board or on INSTAGRAM story, or SNAPCHAT story!!
          It is a humble request, it doesn't really matter if you do it or you don't, but I would originally just grow much more respect for YOU!!


@RaashiSaxena2 I know, this is why I posted against them, I have the courage.
            they have no right to scare me and I will NOT be scared in my own country, so hold on buddy, we are all in it together!!


@shanaayakhare They are arresting and beating people if you post against them as well..


@karriBhavyashivani thanks di, can you repost this on your peofile and then tag me?


People, who are here and for us, fighting with us in this campaign of #JusticeForSSR 
          Here, is a bit something for you
          Please proceed!!
          Also, I am planning on writing MY book on the murder itself, since this book has facts that many of us might know, and I have quite distinguishable and regardable facts!!
          Will share the book soon!!
          Well, here is the link


@Varshi18dz  Me too!!
            Just waiting for the exams to get over and then everything will be back on track!!


          That story will always be very close to my heart, te characters, the plot annd especially London!!!
          May you continue to write such wonderful stories!


@anaayakhare Thank you so much, my love, my K, my general!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️