
Wow you're an angel. It's my first time to ever publish my work as I'm too hesitant to public my feelings. I didn't expect anyone to read but thank you so much for voting!! I saw how everyone is thanking you here, it shows that you're really supportive and kind. 
          I'm looking forward to read your work too


No problem!! I enjoy going through and reading newly published works. ❤️


Hi hi. I came her to thank you for your votes on my poems and saw everyone else just mindlessly thanking you blandly af so,
          Me being me likes to be different , and stand out above others so 
          imma do something different,
          I want to tell you "Thank you,"
          But it doesn’t seem enough.
          Words don’t seem sufficient--
          "Blah, blah" and all that stuff.
          Please know I have deep feelings
          About your generous act.
          I really appreciate you;
          You’re special, and that’s a fact!
          Nothing too good but whatever I just appriciate it.
          Thank yooouuuu and have a good day 


Anytime! I loved every piece ❤️


Imma come back regularly to remind you