
          	4.NOW LOOK AT YOUR HAND
          	i love this =)


this message may be offensive
now that you've opened this you can't stop reading it, or close it. hello, my name is jazmynn, i'm a site model, and i'm 16. i died on march 1st, 2008. i was raped and killed by a man named marcus. he saw me walking one night with my friends, he put us all in his van and tied us up. he let my friends watch me get raped, then killed us. later, i came back and haunted him. he eventually got so scared, that he committed suicide. a boy named collin read this, thought i was hot, but closed this message. later that night, i came by his bed, and stared at him all night, when he awoke, i smiled at him, then quietly slit his throught. i left a rose on top of him, though. a girl named jessica read this, cried, and sent it on. later that night, i came by her bed, kissed her cheek, and left her a note saying thank you. i still come by her house everynight to make sure she's okay. send this to
          ten ppl, and please let ppl kno wat happened 2 me. And no send backs.
          please tell people or we will kill  you together =)


          FIRST WORD OF
          READ ON OR
          DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35
          ... ... P.M .9 years ago
          a person named Jerry got
          dared to sleep
          in a house that was belived
          ... next day his friends
          waited for him out
          side the house.... ..... ..... .....
          They had
          to go inside and search for
          him. They
          went through every room
          exept the
          attic.He wasn't supposed to
          there. He was supposed to
          sleep in the
          living room they went into
          the attic.
          They saw Jerry's corpse and
          they just
          left because they were
          scared. But that
          night they all died because
          of their
          friend. He killed them all
          for making him
          sleep in that house If you
          don't send
          this to 11 comments you
          will die tonight
          by Jerry. Example 1: A man
          Stewart Read this and
          didn't believe it.
          He shut off his computer
          and went
          through his day. That night
          while he
          was in bed he heard
          something outside
          of his door. He got up to
          look. And now
          he's dead. Example 2: A Girl
          Haley Read this in the
          morning and she
          got scared but she didn't
          send it. She
          wanted to know if it was
          true. She went
          to school (She was only 13
          years old)
          and that night she died. If
          you don't
          post this on 11 comments
          tonight Jerry
          will 'visit' you.


this message may be offensive
his is not a joke! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning!
          Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her da..................d. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the government decided that... Visa mer... ... See MoreSee More ... See Morethe best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she finally died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death.
          Now send this to ten other pics on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't pass this on like you did. And forget about you. Example 1:
          Jenny didn't believe this and deleted it without even reading the whole thing! A few days later on the monday night, she was woken up by loud footsteps and heavy breathing, there was Clarissa standing there with a huge knife and well Jenny is history


this message may be offensive
you can talk to god 
          go banging on his door 
          cause no one can stop 
          you can go thought HELL 
          with a smile 
          cause no one can bring you down 
          no one should make fun of u cause you are a differnt size 
          tell them to look and see how big they are 
          if you hang out with guys doesn't mean that you are dating them
          i get along with guys more than girls and i get made fun of but i'm like  
          "fuck you you always hang out with guys/girl than why can't i hang with my friends"
          don't listen to the bullies they are just talking about themselves
          stay beautiful and smile big don't let people bring you down  
          thats all i got to say for now