
Happy International Womens Month! 


Hello, Shann;
          Thank you for adding my 'Back in Action' to your reading list. Though the story can stand alone, it is the second sequel to my 'Posted As Missing', and you might wish to read that one first, and then its first sequel, 'Missing'. I hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions about it, please feel free to ask me.


@ZonderZorg ...your books, I've been reading for awhile now, were already part of my collections stored on my Archives. 


@ZonderZorg wow! surely you can find one, your works were superb. So, I will monitor then if 'Watching Fritz'  is available here in wattpad.  Actually, I've been collecting wonderful books from wonderful authors here on wattpad. Though you can't find 'em on my library 'cause I've been storing them on my Archives. Good luck, sir.


@shannpembert — Thank you for your interest, Shann. I've just begun drafting the fourth volume of this, and it's mostly disjointed ideas at the moment. My focus the past few months has been in finding a publisher for Posted As Missing, then in working with them to get it in print. My publisher is now pushing me to get Missing and Back in Action fine-tuned and ready for publication in the coming months. I'll work on Watching Fritz as time allows.


Hey there, can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to come across an inspiring profile like yours.  Many people may succumb to the pain and scars of life but you have taken what like has thrown at you and overcome it in the knowledge that love prevails.  Here’s a deep felt thank you and salute for your service.
          Hope you find interesting stories to get lost in.  The most popular ones on this profile are:  Jamie Dornan & Dakota Johnson BDSM fanfic #LoveScenes -
          Erotic multimedia fanfic of ‘Grey’ –
          A multimedia retelling of Beauty & the Beast -
          Dark dangerously thrilling serial killer multimedia fanfic, ‘The Fall’ -   
          The multimedia edited sample of ‘One Night Stand with the Billionaire’ -   Happy reading! <3 AS xoxo


@shannpembert  You're welcome! <3 AS xoxo


Reading is my solace.
          Where imagination is limitless, where love knows no boundaries, where hurts overcomed by joy. Where every emotion is spoken....of course, thru words only. Yet the feelings that no words can ever describes, satisfies and comforting, yet again, thru reading.