I’m baaaaaaaaaack!
Sorry, I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been dealing with some things that I may or may not talk about later but all that matters is I’m back and ready to write! I have all these story ideas that I’d like to write about so stay tuned for that.
Also, I’ve vowed that I wouldn’t delete my books anymore after I’ve published them! I used to do that a lot because I wasn’t satisfied with my writing and had very low self confidence. But, now, I’m feeling ready to write some good stories!
Thank you to everyone who’s still here after all of this. It’s been a few months so I appreciate your dedication! Or maybe you were just too lazy to hit the unfollow button, but either way, thank you!
I love you all and stay positive!
P.S. I’m getting an account makeover. New profile pic and new name!