
/           do yall fw ruanliu or is it just me


!  Don't joke lad I fw it bad


         going  against  his  parents  wishes  meant  they  no  longer  wished  to  be  apart  of  his  life  as  well..    but  jingliu  had  never  pried,    so  he  never  exactly  told  her.    they'd   been  walking  through  the  market,   the  lieutenants  gaze  flickered  to  a  couple  with  their  child--   growing  silent  as  his  brows  knitted  together,   barely  able  to  catch  his  master  speaking  to  him.   his  gaze  quickly  went  back  to  him.   "  im  sorry,   what  was  that  master?  "
             /    here  u  go!!


   ABOUT   JINGLIU  ┊  ❝    her  name  was  wiped.    these  days,   i  do  not  speak  of  her.   to  kill  someone  over  and  over  again,   on  top  of  everything  else  she  had  done...     even  death is  too  good  for  her.   now  that  she  turned  herself  in...    i  hope  that  we  all  will  find  peace.   but  for  jingliu,   peace  has  long  been  gone.    destroyed  with  the  woman  she  loved.  ❞


*   unresolved  mommy  issues,   thats  what!!     giggles.


   for  weeks,   jingyuan  has  been  acting..   off.  it  started  with  wanting  to  spend  more  time  with  yingxing  and  danfeng.   offering  to  make  dinner  after  his  training  with  jingliu  was  done.   then,   it  evolved  into  jingyuan  doing  more  with  his  training.   if  jingliu  told  him  to  do  50  laps,   he'd  do  100.   ...   it  was  completely  strange.  
          jingyuan  rolls  over  as  he  wakes.   rubbing  his  eyes  as  he  forces  himself  to  get  up  and  get  ready.   and  try  as  he  may,   he  just  cant  get  himself  to  relax.   he  should  have  been  up  earlier,   and  it  is  not  like  jingliu  to  let  him  sleep.   the  now  lieutenant  frowns,   rubbing  the  back  of  his  head  as  he  heads  down  --   fear  and  the  worst  possible  outcome  gripping  at  his thoughts.   ...   he  finds  her  in  the  kitchen,  though.   and  he  swallows  quietly.   "...  good  morning,  "   he  decides  to  settle  on.
          *    time  travel  au...   ue


   he  finishes  his  congee,    and  then  he  pauses.   lips  drawn  into  a  thin  line,   before  he  swallows  a  lump  down  his  throat.    still,   he  tries  to  play  innocent  --  not  quite  sure  how  to  explain  the  situation  to  his  master.     "   i..   i  don't  follow,   master.   "    he  tries  again,   even  if  he  knows  he  will  fail.   he  has  never  been  good  at  hiding  things  from  his  master.   he  knows  him  too  well.


@lightlords,              ⋆  the tensing of jingyuan's shoulders is immediately evident, though he's smart enough to smooth them out. if one were not watching him the whole time, they might never notice. but jingliu did, and so he deems it all the more suspicious.. or concerning, perhaps.  ⋆               you and i both know that's not what you're thinking about.                ⋆  she doesn't take her gaze away from her student, however innocent he might act. both are perceptive, and incredibly observant.. however much jingyuan might try to hide something from jingliu, it never really works.  ⋆


he  is  quiet,   pausing  --   nearly  freezing  up,   but  he  then  forces  his  shoulders  to  relax.   his  gaze  remains  on  his  congee,   and  not  at  his  master.    he  reaches  a  hand  up  to  scratch  at  the  back  of  his  neck.   it  is  hard  to  look  at  his  master  --  when  he  knows  what  he  will  do.   (  how  many  times  did  he  kill  yingxing,   until  there  was  no  evidence  of  the  blacksmith  he  used  to  be?   all  that  remained  was  blade.  )     he  does  not  say  anything  hinting  towards  that.  "...  i  can  count  on  my  hand,   the  amount  of  times  you've  allowed  me  to  sleep  in.   its  just...   rare,    i  guess.  "    he  says  instead,  hoping  that  it  will  suffice.  


ah,   jingliu.   goodness..   ignore  the  clutter  around  my  home,   i  was..  reorganizing.   what  can  i  do  for  you?


@bladens,             i believe it belongs in that drawer, if watching you work is anything to go by. 


ah,  i  see.    (  ..  )      yes,   of  course.   let  me  find  a  place  for  this  and  we'll  be  on  our  way.


@bladens,            reorganising, hm? well.. baiheng wanted the quintet to have a quick meal together, as celebration for our safe return. she sent me to bring you there.


/          cb yall.. specify if u want


 /    here  too..   teen  jy  shenanigans  squints


/    here..   and  yq.   pls. 


ㅤㅤ/      here  &   baiheng..    grips