
hello everyone! most of you who follow me also follow @Quatainia but for those who haven't heard about her situation, please keep her in your prayers and donate as much as you can. she recently escaped an abusive household and she and her family have no source of income. if she doesn't get the money she needs, she will be evicted in September. so please donate to her go fund me, if you can't donate, please keep her in your prayers.


hello everyone! most of you who follow me also follow @Quatainia but for those who haven't heard about her situation, please keep her in your prayers and donate as much as you can. she recently escaped an abusive household and she and her family have no source of income. if she doesn't get the money she needs, she will be evicted in September. so please donate to her go fund me, if you can't donate, please keep her in your prayers.


hey everyone! i know its been a minute since i've been on here but i just wanted to ask for some prayer. my grandmother tripped and fell earlier today and ever since she's been hurting a lot and it's even making it hard for her to walk. so please keep her in your prayers and ask for healing! thank you!


guys i have to write an article for school, what should i write about??


@sharon_the_love what does the article have to be abt


@sharon_the_love hmm, anything new or interesting going on around you?


hey! i was thinking about the parable about the prodigal son and wanted to know what you think. 
          if the son hadn't hit rock bottom, would he have ever gone back to the father? if he had gotten super rich and had everything he wanted would he have even spared a glance at his family?
          i think it could go two ways. one, he never goes back to the father and he tries to satisfy himself with the earthly pleasures. two, he realizes he needs the love of his father and that's more than material things.
          i think a lot of people end up the first way. they think that when they are successful they don't need God. no matter what, we will always need the love of the father. don't get blinded by the things of this world!


@sharon_the_love  AMEN it makes you start to love the low points in your life because you know it will bring you closer to God