
@Books_Girl_2015 בטח! לא יודעת אם את קוראת את הסדרה שאני כותבת אבל אשמח אם תתחילי לקרוא :) 


@sharongleek הוספתי לספרייה! אני אתחיל בקרוב


Hey! Hola! Well I'm just going to tell u thank you so much for commenting, voting, reading, and adding my story to ur reading list :) it really means alot to me. I wish I could read your story but I don't understand it :( but whatever it is, it must be an Amazing and awesome story cuz u seem like a good writer...oh who am I kidding U R an genius writer :) I hope u will follow me but only IF u want 2. I don't force people to do something so don't feel bad if u don't want to follow me. I hope u will keep updating even if I don't understand it I know other people do and probably would want u to update soon....So that's all I gotta say ...keep  updating  :)