
Hey guys! I won’t be able to update much this week as I’ll be sitting for exams. It’s only for a week and I’ll be back to speed next week. Hope you understand! :) :)


@shashathemeow  Excellent!! I rlly want to read your interesting stories~


@yomi-sama918 it’s fine lol. The exams are over now anyway, so yeah. I’ll be writing again :)


@shashathemeow  Sry if i said too lately


Hiiii, Shasha! Just got back on the app today and man were my notifications flooded with ur updates on TK's 4th novel. I just wanna say that I've read all the new pages and man... I am speechless but also it's infinitely cool to be a reader of your works. Tekken is my top fav of all time and you make it seem more fun to be with. You're an Ekuserento writer, a Māberosu genius and a Buririanto inspiration and most of all, for me, your Tekken novels are all Biyūrifou!  (I really tried on my Lee impression) Also, no one really knows this but last night I binge-read all four of your Tekken Novels overnight and it was WORTH ITTTT!!!!!!!! (Luv ur works Shasha)


@IsshinPlayz2009 Hmm… okay. But I need to think about where they would come in first. If not, I’d have to think of how to bring Isshin into the story before the Kunis. But I can’t really promise anything yet since this is a huge character here, and it might be a bit hard to find a place for him


Also few things;
            Fav food: ramen
            Fav drink: herbal green tea 
            Fav song: Yodeling In Meadow Hill
            Hobbies (besides the killing and stuff): Solving rubik's cubes, he's good, like ultra good. (Like me)


@shashathemeow both mother and daughter actually. The mother treats him like a son while the daughter just hangs out with him whenever the chance came. (Man I really gotta collect all the details before sending em.) Also, that friendly aura of your character 's might have a certain effect on Isshin. (U already know the rest) I can wait tho. I'm a very patient dude. Have fun tho and stay true to everything! d== (that was a thumbs up)


Hey if this doesn't interfere with your Martin Mystery x Totally Spies story I want to share a random idea I had. Alex gets turned into some kind of animal/human mutant (either kinda like Clover was or by a supernatural curse) and Martin still goes to her not caring about her mutation and still being attracted to her. Which completely blow's Clover's mind 
          But like I said you don't have to use it if it interfere's with whatever you have planned 


I just might do this since this isn’t the first time someone has suggested such a scenario to me :)


Wattpad DMs are buggy so I have to chat you here Shasha haha.
          I hoped you read Tripartite already before Trichotomy... You're going to be spoiled!


Oh! I didn’t read Tripartite yet! Okay, then. Thanks for the heads up!


Hi,I love your books. Especially the one about Nancy Drew and the Hardys.


I’m glad you think so. Thank you! :)


I'm stunned your not famous though people like you need to win awards


Oh my gosh, thank you. I don’t think I’ll reach his level, but it’s flattering that you think I can. Thank you! :) 


Hi! I'm looking around for Tekken fans because I'm writing one about Kazuya Mishima (actually it's a Kazuya Mishima x Female Reader story) go check it out in my profile if you're interested!


@ shashathemeow  No problem!


Hi! I’m sorry, but I’m not really interested in a ship with Kazuya. My apologies 


Hey, I was wondering what is your favorite main in Tekken? Since you love Tekken as well. 


Yes I received the notification for it! It’s nice, thank you :) 


@shashathemeow hello! I finished drawing your main. It's in my "Tekken art book" It's at the end of the chapter. 


Hi, I just wanted to share these idea's I had. Martin goes back to Torrington he stops flirting with Jenny because of his feelings for Alex then Jenny gets jealous and tries to get him back but it doesn't work because Martin isn't interested in her anymore. And the girls meet Marvin and they start crushing on him, but when he see's that Alex prefers Martin he gets super jealous and tries to win her affections. I also imagined Alex turning into some kind of scaled creature and then Martin comes to her and embraces her like nothing's different and says he thinks she still looks beautiful, and Clover and Sam are completely baffled by this. 
          (I just wanted to say these ideas I had, if they conflict with anything you've already written you don't have to use them)


These ideas are kinda nice! I might use them, but just not in Torrington. Maybe he just visits the school since he’s already graduated. How about a reunion? I won’t be writing it now, but I might write it later in the book 