@LynnTakami Well, I'm most certainly not a dating/love guru, but I'm going to try to offer some advice if you want it..
First, ask yourself if you like this person enough to date them. Once you've decided how you feel about the situation, be upfront with them. Whether that's telling them "Hey I like you too but I'd like to take things a bit slower" or it's "I'm really sorry but I just don't think that this will work out between us but we should remain friends". I'm not quite sure what grade level you are in school but just know that you shouldn't feel any obligations or pressures within any relationship- platonic or romantic. And if you aren't already on a friends-level with this person and you don't feel ready to be in a relationship, then don't be afraid to tell them that you want to be better friends first.
My husband and I were friends for years before we started dating and from personal experience it's really nice being with somebody I feel like I really know.
And what I'm about to say will sound cold but I was a people pleaser my whole life until recent years when I leanered that you are not responsible for other peoples' feelings. It is absolutely okay to care about other people but do not let their feelings, or potential feelings, corner you or force you into situations you may not want.
I don't know how much that will help and you can take my advice with a grain of salt because I am not any kind of expert, but don't be afraid to speak up for yourself.