Hey how are you I'm fine but I was very busy with university anyway
I'm working on next chapter of life Is Never Easy but until then I will leave the one shot here for you
I hope you enjoy it
Hello I'm not dead
It was new year in my country and you know
Family's time and bru bru
Anyway I'm back but not completely because my classes are really a lot of ( I know right that life is sugar ha ha )
I try to update my stories every week but not premise because my life hasn't a plan right now
I have a special one shot for April's fools on the way for you it is a short one
Hope enjoy this
where is @spreadlove93 and @Karla_n_Raul I missd their wonderful stories
Oh wait @Karla_n_Raul stories are gone because some little child reported them
I feel sorry for people who reports another
People's stories, even these stories Converted but they gave original authors shot out in cover
Where are you my babies come here