

I was under the impression that I could part 7 chapters at one time to entertain the avid readers. Don't mean to overwhelm, but my book is the standard full length novel and I proud on professionalism. So hope u enjoy and read in parts if that helps u space the story, if not dig in and enjoy.


Top of the morning to all. I've been on this site checking out new authors and supporting. But I want to say, as authors we need to raise the status quo, write mature and be better descriptive to paint better pictures to commercialize our work. So the big publishing companies can come running to us 4 deals, so the world can hear our stories. 
          If u doing this 4 fun,  more power to u but if ur trying to make this a career,  let's give the big wigs a scouting ground 4 the next book author .
          Just a thought