IDK who will see this, it is my first time using announcements on wattpad, even tho I've been here for 4 years now, and it is making me nervous, because I dont have the biggest platform or the most following, but I need to get it of my chest and so that i feel better about myself.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure u empathize with all war victims the same. War is war. I 100% stand with Ukraine and everyone that has been affected by this war there, but it makes me very sad when i realize ppl (and the media) are very selective with who they will to sympathize with, IT IS DISGUSTING TO THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE A LITTLE CHILD IS BROWN SKINNED OR HAS A DIFFERENT ETHINICITY THAN WHITE THAT HE OR SHE ARE MORE "USED" TO WAR AND THAT IT IS "NORMAL" FOR THEM.
Like what was W*ttpad doing when Syria was being bombed?? or Yemen?? or Iraq??? when the Christian/ Muslim/ Sikh Indians are currently being targeted and are receiving death threats by radicals??? yall disgust me
Again all my prayers to all those that r being affected by all that is happening in Ukraine, and if u can book and AirB&B for them, please do so, its a simple yet effective idea to help them directly.
Kay bye, sorry for ranting.