does anyone still use wattpad other than like 14 year olds in their new found emo phase (you're late) goodbye to my books lmfao i only unpublished rhem all but ill go through them for fun and see how deranged i was from 2017-2021 i dont think anyone can really expect me to be super active on here anymore then again did anyone ever expect that after i vanished into thin air my socials are on my carrd should you want to keep up with me or talk thank you all though, really, made some cool friends from here :p -v

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when i meant inactive i just meant not gonna publish shit but thats been the case for months but yeah ill stop talking now bye bye

i lied ill probably even go through some of my libeary for fun as well because i want to know what 16 year old me wanted to read and ofc ill br looking through my booke but i wont publish anything i just dont have the motivation and chances are im embarrassed by all my previous writing so