20 years of age. photographer and author to be. i want to dance for the fun of it. kik=shaidivergentlover

Hi guys:D This is Melissa or Kelly! I'm co writing "Let It Go" with this amazing writer who owns this account. And yes, I do have my account at @SheoGirl2 so please follow me. If you have any questions about me pm me on that account. I'm only posting "Let It Go" chapters for this amazing writer. Got it!? Good! <3
  • ohio/tennessee
  • JoinedApril 10, 2014

Last Message
shaywoodley shaywoodley May 29, 2014 07:51PM
@TheUnexpectedVictor anytime :) thank you. :p
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Story by shailene
Let It Go by shaywoodley
Let It Go
sometimes you question why you're on earth, what your point is and why you go through it, will Shailene be re...
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