
@EmilieKath Hahhahahaa I'm not that sweet, I'm just telling you the truth :') ❤️ 


@EmilieKath I'm glad I put a smile on your face, you really do have a future in writing, your writing is really amazing and I'm sure it's going to be even more amazing when you keep on doing so. 


Oh god you literally just makes that smile come my face again and again. Seriously when do stop with that sweetness of yours I feel so lucky to be worshipped with a reader like you ❤ 


Hello there! I wanted to inform everyone that I'm going to delete 'My Summer Love' I thought about it and figured out that I have to focus on '7 mintues of Heaven' and it needs more time than the other story, And I'll try to update '7MoH' as soon as I can. Thanks x