
Hey, y'all! I have updated chapter 21 of Surviving the Parkston Boys! I know it has been such a long time since I have posted but I am so excited to get back into writing! I love you all and thank you for reading! Enjoy!


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't posted any recent chapters of my books... I've been so busy with finals and school that I've been prioritizing my essays for English instead of Wattpad which I am sorry about. I hope you all have been doing well and I will be updating a lot more or at least trying cause I am on break now! Have an amazing holiday season! Happy Reading! <3


I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! I'm sorry I haven't been active on Wattpad as much as I use to be. I will be be publishing more chapters as soon as I get the chance! I also got a new laptop which will make my life 10 times more easier. Happy Reading! <3


So right now I'm doing a lot of pre-writing before I have this crazy schedule ahead of me. So I'm going to camp for a week and I can't have any electronics so I won't be able to write then. But then I'll also be busy with my birthday after that week which is on the 27th so I'll be busy planning that. Then I'm going to be relaxing and enjoying the last week before I head back to school. I'm going back to school on the 10th of August, well I'm going for orientation which is on the 10th and then I'm going to be starting school on the 11th. So I'll be busy because I'm in high school and I'm gonna have a busy schedule. But I hope you guys understand that a lot of the chapters will be pre-written! I hope you understand why my life will be so hectic. Happy Reading! <3