It had been a week since you had seen your beloved Hercules and you had the biggest desire to be in his arms once more. You urged to feel his touch, his chest against yours, his sweet whispers in your ear. You understood that he had so many things to do and you just hated falling asleep alone and waking up alone. You were just finshed cleaning up when the phone started to ring, you picked it up with slight hesitation "Hello?" You said with hope in your voice that it was Hercules. "(Y/N) I have some news!"The familiar voice said. "Alexander? What news? Where's Herc? When will he return? How is he!?" You had too many questions and just really wanted to see Your love. "(Y/N) calm yourself! He's done, and he's with me and the guys. He wanted me to tell you he loves you dearly and he will see you in a few minutes." Alexander said. You knew what that meant, you knew he was ok, you knew he was safe, and you knew he would be returning home any time now. "Oh my gosh!! That's great tell him I love him! Bye." You said not even giving Alexander the chance to say anything else. You hung up the phone and ran to the room, you grabbed a picture of you and Hercules, "I can't wait to see you again babe." You said to yourself kissing the picture softly. A minute later you heard a door open and a bag being placed down, you ran out of the room and stopped in your tracked not believing he was finally home right in your grasp. Without any further hesitantion you ran and jumped at him, as he caught you, you let your legs wrap around his waist. "Oh baby girl I missed you so much" he said will his sweet whisper that you adored so much, "I missed you too babe" you said as he gently placed you down and looked you up and down. You smiled and looked into his beautiful brown eyes, "Is something wrong?" You said noticing the bit of confusion in his eyes. "No the only problem is you standing here instead of going to the bedroom." He said with a wink, "Not if you don't carry me there baby."