
When you still does not realize that your soulmate is near with you.  you dont realize but istead of that you still searching the one you thought will be your soulmate one day. You totally knew that you re wrong. Just realize someone who really really in love with you before he doesnt care anymore and find other. That time you just realize how stupid and dumb you are. Fool of you 


When you still does not realize that your soulmate is near with you.  you dont realize but istead of that you still searching the one you thought will be your soulmate one day. You totally knew that you re wrong. Just realize someone who really really in love with you before he doesnt care anymore and find other. That time you just realize how stupid and dumb you are. Fool of you 


This is how people let you be. They keep wonder whats on your mind. And keep doubt it what you says. From where you know this? From yourself. Coz yourself did just like that. And ypu thought the people will do the same thing as you.


im try to not to hate eery person that i meet. but evrytime i get to know them. that everytime the feeling of hate come. i dont know why. its get stronger whn i knew their attitude detaily. even a little tiny things could make me piss off.


i love to talk dirty with my friend. even we not that close one. like rhe other bestfriend always do. share problems. share somethings meaningful in life. but when we are together. we completely be like the bestfriend. she joint my crazy weirdeness..this


the feeling when u completely shut down.
          u dont know what u feel right now.
          the only things in ur mind that u thought right now is about suicide.
          that u think only suicide. only suicide can end those problem that always there for ur entire life. like there no solutioon to those problem. and the only solution that u thought is suicide. but u dont know another problem when u tend to do it. that only probably. probably that the truth is theres plenty people n person that really love u. n not hoping to lose you. they can overcome ur problem. or even they cant. at least they always be there n throught out those problem with u. so why. why do you ever to think like that while there are plenty of people that hope ure not doing that crime.