Hey Shedrak (Jessica)! And okay ^^
Here's what I have~
Facebook Messenger, but I would make a new account, cause the one I have right now seems to mostly be for my mom to tag my full name in things :P
Google Hangouts, this is how my cousin attends girl scouts meetings 6 hours away; can call and chat :)
I also have Discord and Skype, if one of those is better!
Pick your “favorite”, any should work. ^^
(And ironically despite having a lot of communication apps, I don't text a lot lol. But I do have a lot to say with good friends. That's where my own bursts of writing comes and I have a lot of interesting things to show/tell! That stuff is prepared though, and i'll likely type in shorter responses to actually have an active back-and-forth conversation when possible :P)
I would like to see them happy at this time! (Animation memes keep feeding my mind mostly upbeat, lively, and/or funny ideas with mostly Shade, Faziel, and Azai right now lol. They both need happiness cause of w h a t t h e y a r e g o i n g t o / h a v e g o n e t h r o u g h.. However they express happiness in different ways :D
Shade- Very energetic, he grins a lot more than Faziel and is highly expressive! In mind mind he jumps up and points towards the sky like a cheer, or does finger guns with a grin, somewhat like this- https://images.app.goo.gl/oSRC9uhPTeEfDK5L7
But since his face isn't half covered, he would be winking. Also, if he flirts, I think he does so in a playful/kind-intentioned manner XD
PS: Indeed it is.. I actually got stuff done, and I still have so many projects! It stresses me out, and that unfortunately makes me less productive rip.. (Also, hyperness and tiredness is a weird mix together, one that my mind is set in constantly. I'd say my mind right now is about as sane as this video my younger brother showed me yesterday- https://youtu.be/4n-tMVsig4A or this one I found https://youtu.be/xbqRUtJ2Zdc Btw my brother and I have a weird sense of humor XD)