
@Charming_Avril @StrippedTissueBox Part 28 is up! SO sorry for the long wait (again)!


Hi! (insert hesitant wave here) So, uh, yeah, I've been gone for awhile now. Sorry! After graduation, I thought I would write over the summer, but summer after senior year turned out to be really fun, and I spent all my time with my friends from high school, since we knew we were all going to different colleges and it would be harder to see each other from then on out. And it is. I haven't seen any of my friends from high school since August. Buuuut, I still talk to them, and I have new friends! College is the shizz, btw. Totally love it, but it's sooooooooooooo time consuming. And I'm working too, so these days free time doesn't really exist. I'm literally always either in class, doing homework, working, or sleeping. Unless it's the weekend, then I find some time to do, well, fun, stupid college stuff that will haunt me someday. lol Buuut, as much as I'm loving college, I actually do miss writing. It's almost been a year since I've written anything! That's insane. You should hate me. I would definitely hate me if I was a fan of me. I'm not guaranteeing uploads here, because I honestly don't have time (if you've never gone to college you won't be able to fully appreciate theses numbers, but I'm taking 16 hours and working 17 hours a week, and none of my classes are easy, because I got all my gen eds out of the way while I was still in high school with AP and concurrent hours. One of my classes is honors, and another is Latin. And Calc 2 totally raped me last semester. P.S. don't take Latin. It's freaking insane. Also I go to a big school, and I can honestly say big schools are a lot harder than small schools, because I took concurrent enrollment hours at a small school during high school and it was soooooooo much easier.) But, I wanted to let yall know I miss you! And writing! And maybe, possibly, by some miracle, if I upload before May 10th (last day of the semester) be proud of me no matter how short it is! Sorryx10^100000! 


@supernova318 Thanks! :) It does feel nice. I was soooo over High School. lol I'm definitely going to finish "The Death of Me." I love that story, and I'm more inspired for it, but since so many people liked Infinite Darkness I want to finish editing that too. I'm going to try to do both. :)


@AudryAline Thanks! :) I cant write the second book until I'm done editing the first, but I could try to do that faster. Thanks for your input! I can edit LFLIATWP while I write TDoM, then start the second book when I'm done editing. And I'm graduated now, so no school until I go to college in August! :D