
Working on "Heart Broken" I am in the process of moving and trying to get things settled, this still isn't the finale move right now I'm staying with family. 
          	Hopefully I can get the next chapter up in the next week or so.


Just updated a short chapter for Heartbroken... I have been having trouble with the app lately where for some reason it's not always saving my writing even though I'm clicking save. Then it gives me a hard time uploading chapters... so this chapter is very short but I will try to make up for it with the next chapter.


Soooo.....I have been thinking about a lot of my stories lately and I feel like I just have to much going on at once. There is stuff happening in my personal life and it is jumbling my mind up a bit to the point I'm only able to really focus on one story at a time so let me give everyone a heads up real quick and dont kill me please till I'm finished alrighty. 
          Okay let's begin. 
          So firstly I'm going to finish Her Savior first since that story is nearing it's end...but it will have a sequel later down the road the first chapter for it has actually been thought over. 
          Secondly Heart Broken. I know that is loved by a lot of you and I am working on it, it's just a bit of a hard story for me to write at the moment because I have lost a lot of my passion for it. It will be updated though soon. It may have to wait till Her Savior is done or I may do a chapter every so often for it. 
          All the rest of my stories are on hold though now till I finish Her Savior.
          Sorry if this upsets anyone but it's just something I need to do right now to get my self back on track.


Sorry for being do M.I.A lately and not updating anything. Life has been hectic for me as of late and I haven't really had the passion to write. I have been writing but I have been writing Sim Stories on two other sites and havent really focused on anything on here.
          I'm sorry to all my followers and readers for not updating but I didnt eant to give you frenzied chapters that I didnt feel 100% about. 
          Good news though I have been working on chapters the past few days for some of my work. Her savior chapter is almost finished and  my next chapter for Heart Broken is still a very big work in progress. I will try to get these chapters up asap though.


I know I haven't been on in a while updating my stories it's just I was stuck in such writers block that I got to the point of hating my stories I felt hopeless like they weren't going anywhere...... So if any of my followers have checked my stories list you will see I have pretty much taken all of them off but one and then started to put up the beginning of another new one. Now if a story that you liked got taken off just message me and tell me why you liked that story and I'll try to put it back...... Nothing is worse than letting your readers down and that's how I have felt from not updating my stories but I just couldn't work on them anymore it was driving me nuts. Now heartbroken was doing good on here it was my lord of the rings fanfic I have a lot of that actually saved on my computer I had restarted that story because  I didn't like the way it was panning out so if anyone wants to see that I will make sure to put it back up.