
your bio says that you love physics. how does one achieve such high spiritual enlightenment?? someone teach me how to romanticize it


you are so real for the people shouldn't go around hating it part bcs people should be allowed to like whatever they want (as long as it isn't illegal or harmful). it's not that i don't like physics either, if i actually have enough time to study it before exams i know that i'll do better so ig that's on me. i absolutely love like space related physics but you don't learn that in school


@judeduartesbff I guess cuz that interests me? But ykw? Its not important for everyone to love it (doesn't mean people go around hating it either), everyone has their own interests which they excell in. Some people love biology while I don't! Also if nothing interests you then its also fine cuz Shah say "Jo kuchh nhi karte, vo Jamaal karte hai!" Also, if you really want to, I'd suggest see the beauty in it, the beauty if concepts, world, thinking, see physics happening around you, its not just academically important. So yeah best if luck! 
            Zyada gyaan ho gaya


Hi dear, 
          I hope that you are doing well. Firstly I apologise for intruding here without your permission. Ignore it if you want.
          Would you like to enjoy college teen fiction with a touch of realistic and dramatic elements? If you do, you can give a chance to my current ongoing story if your time permits obviously. Don't forget to share your precious votes and feedback. I will truly appreciate it if you share your thoughts on my story. Have a great day :) 


Greetings, dear reader. Firstly, I extend my apologies for entering your space without prior permission. Secondly, I kindly request you to peruse my work and share your thoughts on whether you find it enjoyable or not. The narrative revolves around an arranged marriage that isn't entirely conventional. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. As a new writer, your support is crucial for my improvement and motivation to produce more content. I believe you won't regret taking the time to read it. Thank you.
          A small part of my story
          I observed her nervously chewing her lower lip-a new detail I discovered about her today. It seemed to be a habit she had when feeling uneasy.
          A smile automatically formed on my lips as I noticed her reaction. I had no intention of touching her in a way that went beyond our boundaries before getting married. I deemed it important to respect the sanctity of our relationship.
          Unless she expressed a desire for physical contact, I wouldn't impose anything on her. I believed in allowing our relationship to develop at a slow pace, nurturing an unbreakable bond between us.


Sorry if I am intruding your privacy but I see you are fan of Indian love stories. Please give a try to my story. This is the first time I am posting my work on a platform for the public. The first chapter is out. Please go through it once and let me know your views. Sorry again if this message disturbed you in any way.


          I hope you are doing well.
          Apologies for sliding into your profile, but do check out my story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          It's a slow and subtle blooming arranged story with a realistic backdrop and real, relatable characters that you would certainly connect to.


@Ruhani_Gupta sure, why not! The prologue seems fabulous!!


Hiiiii ‍♀️, 
          I hope you're doing amazing. I just want to recommend you a story called "Falling For Her" of my friend. It's a completed story with very little to less problem and heart warming romance between the leads. Please give it a try and let the author know about your reviews as it will really help her to grow. Though the chapters will compel you to vote but still don't forget to vote. 
          Please do give it a try ❤️. Thank You !! 


          I hope you're doing well. And sorry for just randomly posting on your message board. 
          If you have time would you just check out this book and tell me your thoughts about it. I'll be really glad to hear from you. 
          Thank you<3


          Hope u r doing fine. Sorry for invading ur conversation here without ur permission. But it's just if ur time permits, give my book a chance. I'll be glad if u do so. 
          Waiting for ur views.
          Stoneheart ♡.