
Another chapter posted! Just a short announcement I'll be taking a short hiatus on this book. Next update will be next month, that's all, see ya! 
          	I just published "20" of my story "Going All Out! [SVT BooSeokSoon centric] ".


Author im just wondering. Are you going to update [A Secret To Be Kept] or is it already discontinued?


@MwoffyAsReader dw, it's still ongoing! i just update them rarely because i have so many other pending works 



OHMYGOD, I FORGOT TO WRITE THE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL SERIES 2023  IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TXT THIS TIME AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO WRITE IT. I guess I can still make it, like November IS a month of spooky stuff right?? Yeah, I can still make it.
          So heads up cause in a few minutes the Special Halloween Series 2023 (starring TXT) will drop tonight!


Tysm guys for supporting and loving “We're Coming In”. I think I'll do another special chapter, can you guys suggest ur ideas?? 


Hi everyone! Just updating yiu guys that I'm still perfectly alive and have no intentions in leaving Wattpad ^-^ Schoolwork is just stacking up and I have no time to finish a chapter to publish but I am writing a bit of it for every vacant time I have. Don't worry, the books will soon come to regular updates so pls wait a bit >~< Btw, December is near and so is my Special Christmas Series 2023!! Although I can't call it a serie anymore because this year it's only one book, with the btsvtxtenha in one adventure. To know more about it, check out the Special Christmas Series 2021 & 2022! That's all!!