I've actually put a lot of thought into whether or not I'll be writing a spin-off. And... the answer is yes. I will be writing a spin-off. As for the character... well, you'll have to wait and see ;). (I am sorry about Nick, though. I was just as surprised as y'all were, really. Haha.)
However, while I do have notes and a rough outline for it, the spin-off won't actually be written for awhile. Why? Because I've already started on a new story, with completely different characters. I've had the idea for it for quite some time, but I didn't want to start a new project when I was barely putting out new chapters of PPP. Now that I'm finished with PPP, though, I've started working on this idea and I want to finish it. So, I'll be working on the spin-off afterwards.
I'm really sorry about it, but just know that there WILL be a spin-off, in the future. Also, I will be posting this new story, sometime this month. :)
And... lastly, I'm glad you enjoyed PPP. :D It makes me very happy to know that you did. ^_^
Kristin T.