
@Peculiarities well it turned out REALLY well! and yes, it has came into mind, but i'm a bad writer like im not good at putting what i want to say down and it doesnt come out good??? but i think i have good ideas sometimes you know?


No one is a bad writer! It's like that for all of us when we start. Trust me. Secrets in the glory of its first draft is like sh**. No kidding. You just have to do it again, rewrite, edit, rewrite and rewrite. Of course! I have too many ideas and too little time LOL


@Peculiarities well it turned out REALLY well! and yes, it has came into mind, but i'm a bad writer like im not good at putting what i want to say down and it doesnt come out good??? but i think i have good ideas sometimes you know?


No one is a bad writer! It's like that for all of us when we start. Trust me. Secrets in the glory of its first draft is like sh**. No kidding. You just have to do it again, rewrite, edit, rewrite and rewrite. Of course! I have too many ideas and too little time LOL


@Peculiarities omg man i'm the same, when i was younger i was so freaked out about the basilisk in the chamber of secrets like i had nightmares... but it's good now, i've watched it enough that i'm not scared. 


EXACTLY. I haven't watched it again since the last time, though LOL Once is more than enough...


@Peculiarities okay i will later! your writing is really good oh my goodness!


Thanks so much! >< I just worked really hard and racked my brains for better and better vocabulary, pushing myself again and again. I think anyone can do it with practice :D
            Are you interested in writing anything and posting stuff here?


@Peculiarities omg yes i totally get that like incest and horror creeps me out so much, some stuff though, i can watch (spn, crime shows) but other things oh mY GOD i get so scared! and i wont tell anyone :)


Exactly. Here's another instance: after watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, I was so scared of the snake that jumped out of nowhere that I kept seeing it replay in my head for the whole night and couldn't sleep as a result... it was my first night without sleeping... == I'm such a coward. I'm distancing myself from horror books as a result.


@Peculiarities i like clary but i see your point, i can read it so easy i love it!! and flowers in the attic is "after the death of their father, four children face the cruel treatment of their ruthless grandmother" that was the movie description, the book doesnt have one and i'm not good at describing things lol! but its a good book and its sort of creepy bc it //may// have incest. 


Oh, that sounds horrible...incest...not totally in line with my own ethical standards. I might wanna avoid that book. (Don't tell anyone: I don't read horror stories because I get scared easily >< I remember reading a creepy book at night and it took me really long to finally fall asleep...I thought the silhouette of my clothes were a skeleton!)


By the way, I totally forgot, thanks for following! So glad to meet another book lover here on wattpad :D (It's weird and I don't know why, but people here seem to talk more about writing than reading. But to write good stuff one must read.) Anyway, since you followed, might as well invite you to try out my stories if you have the time! :) Thanks again.