@shesaworkoffiction yip, me and my mum watched it 2 nights ago. Timothée was amazing, though I wish that we got to see more of Zendaya. My mum got kind of mad about the end, she's not really patient when it comes to writing for sequels. I'm hoping for Part 2! It's truly poetic.
Btw, when watching, make little mental notes because it really helps. It seems like things become more linked nesting the middle and end of the movie. I'm constantly checking up on word from the director and actors of a part 2 is going to be confirmed.
Not many people enjoy poetic and interlinked/entwined sci-fi's, like Dune for example. But this movie had totally changed the future for sci-fi movies. The graphics and graphic art and engineering used was phenomenal and mind blowing. The level and skill put into this, I can't even comprehend
I hope that you get to watch it soon. It's definitely worth that 8.3 star rating it for from imbd, but I'm rating it a 8.9 out of 10. It's definitely worth the wait